Primary Members of the Treatment Team
Treatment Team

Members of the treatment team include psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, and recreational and occupational therapists. These staff members collaborate by reviewing each patient’s progress, exchanging information, and then formulating and carrying out a defined treatment plan.
Psychiatrist-in-Charge (Attending M.D.)
It is the responsibility of this psychiatrist or psychologist to plan, direct, and coordinate each individual patient’s treatment program. This individual meets with patients individually for an assessment and conducts rounds to review each patient’s progress.
Psychology Attending
It is the responsibility of the assigned psychologist when indicated to direct and coordinate the psychological testing of patients and to collaborate with other members of the interdisciplinary treatment team regarding the psychological assessment of the patient.
Case Coordinator
A physician/psychology intern is assigned to work directly with the attending physician and/or the psychology attending in the assessment, planning and coordination of each patient’s individual psychotherapy and medication management as indicated.
Although you may not meet with this person individually, the pharmacist is a specialist in psychiatric medications who provides consultation and education to clinical staff. The pharmacist reviews all medication orders before being carried out.
Clinical Social Worker
This is an LCSW or MSW who will coordinate with the patient and interdisciplinary treatment team to provide information and education regarding understanding and managing the psychiatric condition, mobilizing resources, improving interpersonal relationships, decision-making related to discharge and continuity of care, and locating appropriate post-discharge services. Clinical Social Work services may include individual and group counseling, family meetings or family therapy.
Assigned Nursing Staff
A nursing staff member will be assigned to your care each 12-hour shift. The assigned staff member will administer medications, treatments, provide individual counseling, provide and maintain a safe environment, encourage participation in group activities, and communicate relevant information to other team members as needed. Nurses work in collaboration with other team members to provide a comprehensive assessment. The goal is to preserve dignity, promote independence, and identify and build on existing strengths. Nursing care also focuses on promoting Recovery Principles, and optimizing psychological and physical well-being.
Clinical Nurse Specialist/Nurse Specialist
The Specialist works closely with the interdisciplinary team and demonstrates advanced knowledge in psychiatric nursing practice and assumes the roles of practitioner, educator, consultant, and researcher. This nurse demonstrates a high degree of professional competence in a specialized field of nursing and utilizes advanced theoretical and empirical knowledge and a scientific approach to problem solving. The Specialist, establishes standards for patient care and evaluates interventions to improve care.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapist identifies patients’ skills, interests, capabilities, perceptual-motor abilities, and general developmental level, and areas of strength and deficiencies. Occupational Therapists also assist in improving patient’s skills that pertain to activities of daily living, and play or leisure situations.
Recreation Therapist
The Recreation Therapist is responsible for assessing the patient’s leisure and social needs. RT activities are held both on the unit and off the unit, and involve patients in a range of leisure-time activities. The focus is on finding a balance between work and play as part of a healthy lifestyle.
The dietitian provides nutritional assessments for all high-risk patients. In conjunction with the treatment team, the dietitian will conduct an in-depth assessment and generate a nutrition and weight restoration program for patients admitted to the adolescent eating disorder program. The dietitian provides nutrition education and participates with other disciplines in structured activities designed to assist patients to acquire and integrate healthy eating habits.
Education Consultant
The UCLA RNPH Education Consultant is available on a case-by-case referral basis to consult on IEP’s and previous assessments, administer achievement testing when indicated, and consult with the treatment team regarding educational recommendations. The Education Consultant contributes to the training of the psychiatry fellows, psychology interns, and medical residents regarding educational assessments, special education issues, and school programming services to assist with diagnostic clarification and post-discharge planning. This consultant is available to attend treatment team meetings as well as meetings with parents/guardians. The UCLA RNPH Education Consultant is also a liaison with the LAUSD Carlson administration and LAUSD teaching staff assigned to UCLA RNPH.
School Teacher
The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Carlson Hospital School provides a teacher and teaching assistant for the 4West classroom located at the UCLA RNPH. For the UCLA RNPH 4West patients who sign up to be serviced by the LAUSD Carlson Hospital School during their admission, this teacher submits the completed enrollment forms to the LAUSD Carlson office, enrolls those who are approved through LAUSD, and provides instructional time on school days during the duration of admission. The teacher oversees the instruction and work completion during the school period(s). The LAUSD Carlson teacher at the RNPH communicates with designated RNPH treatment team members regarding pertinent issues related to the patient's performance in the hospital classroom.
Spiritual Care/Chaplain
The Department of Spiritual Care provides for the spiritual and religious needs of patients through trained inter-faith chaplains. Patients may also make a request for a faith-specific chaplain/religious leader. Patients may access these spiritual care resources through any staff member.
Speech Pathologist
The UCLA RNPH Speech Pathologist is available on a case-by-case referral basis to administer speech and language assessments when indicated. This consultant collaborates with members of the interdisciplinary treatment team regarding: previous speech and language assessments and treatment indications; current assessment results; and future speech and language recommendations. The Speech Pathologist contributes to the training of the psychiatry fellows, psychology interns, and medical residents regarding speech and language assessments, general speech and language issues, and may assist with diagnostic clarification and post-discharge planning.