When you leave the hospital

Whether you are discharged to home or to a skilled nursing facility for additional Physical Therapy depends on how well you do with Physical Therapy in the 3 to 5 days you will be in the hospital. The decision is a fluid one and can change very quickly.
If you are transferred to a skilled nursing facility for additional physical therapy, instructions will be given to the facility on how to care for you. Our Discharge Planner will work with you and your family to find a facility that meets your needs (close to home, near your doctor).
If you are discharged to home, you may receive visits from Home Care. RNs and Physical Therapists will come to your home as directed by your surgeon. Home Health Aides may also be arranged as provided by your insurance. If you are taking Coumadin, arrangements will be made through Home Care to send someone to your home on Mondays and Thursdays to take a sample of your blood to the lab. The results of the bloodwork will be relayed to your surgeon's office. The office will notify you if your coumadin dose needs to be adjusted.
Your Physical and Occupational therapists will make the recommendation to the doctor in consultation with you for your home equipment needs. Our Durable Medical Equipment (DME) coordinator will order equipment you need for home and bill it to your insurance. Items like front wheeled walkers and 3-in-1 commodes are generally covered. Other items can be arranged by speaking with the DME coordinator.
When you are discharged to home, you will receive written instructions about signs of infection, "danger signs" and who to contact, when to drive, when to bathe, how to care for your incision and when to make a follow up appointment with your surgeon. You will be given prescriptions for medications and information about equipment issued to you.
The phone number of the Orthopaedic and Spine Clinic on 16th Street in Santa Monica is
.If you have any questions about this portion of the website, please contact us at