Resource List for Parents of Children (2-5 years of age)
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Thank you for seeking services with UCLA Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics (DBP). While waiting for your child’s evaluation appointment with UCLA DBP, we advise that families connect their child to the list of services and programs listed below. Some of following services can be initiated by family self-referral and do not require a developmental diagnosis.
UCLA DBP Social Work Consultation
Families with additional questions or need for further consultation may request a telephone appointment with the UCLA Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics clinical social worker. Please call the UCLA DBP office at (310)825-0867 and request to speak with a DBP administrator in order to schedule an appointment with the DBP clinical social worker. Families may also email their request to consult with the clinical social worker at [email protected].
Regional Centers
The Regional Center is a state (CA) funded agency that provides early developmental evaluations and related treatment services for children (birth to 3 years of age) residing in the state. There is a designated regional center for each geographic area of California. Families should contact their local regional center if there are concerns regarding their child’s development and milestones. Eligible children may receive speech therapy services, occupational therapy, behavioral and recreational therapies, respite and support resources for families.
Regional Centers must also provide your child with a developmental assessment for Autism if there is concern that your child may meet criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Children 3 years of age or older may still qualify for Regional Center services through the Lanterman program. The Lanterman program is intended for children with more severe developmental disabilities and impairment. Children must have impairment across some of the following areas in order to potentially qualify for the Lanterman program (self-care, receptive and expressive language, learning, mobility and self-direction).
For more information regarding regional centers please visit the following links:
Regional Center Eligibility and Services California Disability Rights:
Local School District – Early Assessment Programs, Individualized Educational Plan (IEP)
Families concerned about their child’s development and/or learning should contact their local school district special education department in order to initiate an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) evaluation. Children as young as 2.5 years old may be eligible for an IEP evaluation. Your local school district is legally mandated to provide your child an IEP evaluation in order to best understand your child’s learning needs. If your child is eligible for special education services via the IEP evaluation, the school district will offer and education plan including a school placement and support services. These services may include speech therapy, occupational and physical therapy, specialized academic instruction, adaptive physical education and access to assistive technologies.
For more information about the IEP please visit the following links:
California Disability Rights:
Pediatrician Follow-Up and Referrals
It is also advised that families follow-up with their child’s pediatrician in order to explore the need for additional referrals such as speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy. Speech therapy focuses on helping children improve their verbal expression and ability to understand language. Physical therapy helps children improve their body movement, coordination and mobility. Occupational therapy focuses on helping children improve their performance of daily living activities such as self-care, feeding, writing and play. Your child’s pediatrician may provide a referral for these services in the community. These services may be covered under your child’s current health plan, please consult further with your health insurance carrier.
For information on how to talk to your pediatrician about your child’s development please visit the CDC website:
Behavioral Therapies and Social Skills Training
Families are also strongly advised to seek behavioral therapies for their child through the regional center, health insurance plan or private pay community providers. There are many types of behavioral therapies that may be helpful for your child such as Infant Stimulation Therapy, Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), Evidence Based Parenting Programs, Applied Behavioral Analysis Therapy (ABA) and Social Skills Training. Please consult with your local regional center and/or pediatrician regarding further information regarding behavioral therapy options, eligibility and potential referrals to these therapies.
For more information regarding behavioral therapies please visit the following links:
Behavioral Therapies:
- UCLA Early Intervention Program (for children under 3 years old):
- ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis Therapy) CDC information:
- How to Access ABA Therapy Services Disability Rights CA:
Parent Training:
- UCLA Parent Child Interactive Therapy:
- Parent Child Interactive Therapy Provider Search:
- UCLA Parenting Program (2-12):
Social Skills Training:
- UCLA PEERS for Preschoolers:
- UCLA PEERS Social Skills Provider Listing: